
voyeurism and exhibitionism as function in architecture
Voyeurism vs exhibitionism, reality vs fantasy in Amsterdam’s Red Light District
TIMELINE August 2015 -December 2015
STATUS Published
artistic research
concept design
Few institutions are more emblematic of Amsterdam’s Red Light District than peepshow theatre and live sex performance venue Casa Rosso. Peepspace documents this cultural icon of progressive Dutch society, which was liberated by the sexual revolution of the 1960s from taboos around sexuality, before it disappears completely.
The relationship between reality and fantasy, voyeur and exhibitionist are explored in this research project, which investigates the intuitive design of Casa Rosso’s interiors: the functions of the spaces within, and how they frame, privatize, and intensify thevisual experience of sex and the human body.
interaction design
interaction research
What began as documentation of a physical space has been translated into a digital experience on the website—a virtual peepshow where every visit is uniqueand personal. The user plays the voyeur, their unconscious choices constantly rearranging 2D and 3D images within a context they inhabit, until a story arises.